About us
The Colorado Department of Education has rated Tarver a "Performance" school for the 2018/19 school year and has every year since 2010. This is the highest possible rating. These rating were not provided for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years due to COVID.
The Colorado Department of Education has awarded Tarver the “Governor's Distinguished Improvement Award” for 2017, 2018, and 2019. These rating were not provided for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years due to COVID.
Each year, Tarver Tigers showcase their academic, athletic, and social skills in grade level curriculum nights, choir concerts, a science fair, Lion’s Club relays, and the District Art Show.
Each year, Tarver has two major fundraising events that provide additional funds to our school. Tarver hosts a catalogue sales fundraiser in the fall and the the Tarver Trot "fun run" in the spring. The funds raised go back into the classrooms and provide teachers with additional grant money for field trips, special speakers and supplies. All students, teachers and many parents participate in our Tarver Trot. This run is a great community event that not only brings in additional funds for Tarver, but also raises awareness for physical activity and team spirit. Throughout the year, we also raise funds through Box Tops for Education, the King Soopers Community Rewards program and restaurant nights for the Tarver community.
Tarver hosts a number of community events throughout the year that grow our community and school spirit. These events include an annual carnival, movie nights, school dances and a special holiday breakfast.
Opportunities For Parents
At Tarver we value and encourage partnerships between students, staff, parents and the community. We believe these partnerships support and enhance the success of our school and our students. Together we can have a bigger impact in the lives of our students.
Volunteers are a valuable resource and are always welcome. Volunteer opportunities include working in the classroom, assisting in the library, working with clubs, assisting with fund raising activities and other PTO-sponsored events.