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Screenagers: Elementary School AGE Edition

Screenagers: Elementary School AGE Edition

Elementary school AGE edition


Tarver Elementary
January 30th (6pm-7:30pm)

(Movie run time 55 minutes, we will also allow for discussion time)
Moderated by Lisa Dietel, Tarver Elementary Social Emotional Learning Specialist

This new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, i.e., smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time.

Bottled water and movie popcorn will be provided for the viewing.

Due to the content and interest level of the movie, parents should attend without their children.
It is not necessary to RSVP, however it is greatly appreciated to ensure we have materials for everyone attending.
Please let us know you are coming- RSVP HERE.